“Everything else in school becomes real and achievable only when a person wants to learn, when in education – in the fact that he or she goes to school, reads, writes, learns – he or she meets joy and gains human pride.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Is it hard for kids to study? There are various views on that question. Some people think learning is not overwhelming, but others think it is hard work.
I have always looked at my students and learned from them. Kids are the best teachers. Some kids want to achieve their goals, and you do not even need to tell them to do homework: they text to ask for more practice or get another practice test. Students like to feel confident when they take a test or exam. They like to feel that they are bright to understand a difficult concept. However, most of all, students like to know they did it.
Yesterday, one of my students, who take physics classes, texted me that she got 100 on her last test. You cannot even understand how excited she was to share her success. And it was a success, huge success. Before that test, she prepared a lot. We reviewed the concept and practiced, practiced, practiced. And she asked for more practice. That feeling of satisfaction was something. And can you imagine the joy in her eyes when she shared the details next class! I think kids need some challenge in learning. Challenge that helps students become stronger in the topic when they overstep the problem and move to the higher level. I think, this challenge is underestimated. That challenge moves kids to study, understand, do more practice, be more stress resistant. And when the student goes over that challenge in learning, he/she wants to learn more and more.
